Productia si consumul de energie electrica in Romania, pe tipuri de producatori

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Perioada selectată nu poate fi mai mare de 3 ani.

Data Consum [MW] Productie [MW] Nuclear [MW] Eolian [MW] Hidro [MW] Hidrocarburi [MW] Carbune [MW] Fotovolt [MW] Biomasa [MW] Sold* [MW]
2024-11-21 00:39:22 6041 7247 1382 2270 1060 1666 834 -2 33 -1205
2024-11-21 00:38:16 6042 7249 1384 2275 1049 1670 836 -2 33 -1206
2024-11-21 00:37:10 6069 7249 1385 2275 1051 1669 835 -2 33 -1180
2024-11-21 00:36:04 6057 7245 1391 2264 1050 1669 837 -2 34 -1187
2024-11-21 00:35:31 6017 7246 1385 2275 1049 1668 835 -2 34 -1229
2024-11-21 00:34:26 6014 7242 1383 2270 1050 1669 837 -2 33 -1228
2024-11-21 00:33:20 6017 7249 1387 2272 1051 1669 838 -2 32 -1232
2024-11-21 00:32:14 5971 7230 1381 2257 1054 1669 837 -2 32 -1259
2024-11-21 00:31:08 6009 7227 1387 2251 1051 1669 836 -2 32 -1218
2024-11-21 00:30:34 5971 7224 1386 2260 1048 1667 831 -2 31 -1252
2024-11-21 00:28:22 6081 7224 1383 2262 1047 1666 834 -2 32 -1143
2024-11-21 00:27:17 6088 7234 1388 2260 1048 1669 834 0 32 -1145
2024-11-21 00:26:11 6100 7223 1384 2262 1046 1665 834 -2 32 -1122
2024-11-21 00:25:05 6088 7238 1387 2267 1048 1668 836 -2 32 -1150
2024-11-21 00:24:32 6123 7215 1387 2245 1047 1668 835 -2 32 -1092
2024-11-21 00:23:26 6098 7220 1383 2252 1048 1668 836 -2 32 -1122
2024-11-21 00:22:21 6118 7237 1390 2260 1048 1670 837 -2 31 -1118
2024-11-21 00:21:15 6109 7224 1384 2260 1048 1664 835 -2 32 -1114
2024-11-21 00:20:09 6122 7229 1388 2263 1048 1663 834 -2 32 -1106
2024-11-21 00:19:04 6142 7221 1383 2259 1049 1663 833 -2 33 -1078
2024-11-21 00:18:31 6136 7232 1394 2257 1050 1664 833 -2 32 -1095
2024-11-21 00:17:25 6102 7235 1385 2263 1055 1665 833 -2 32 -1132
2024-11-21 00:16:19 6136 7228 1383 2257 1057 1664 833 -2 33 -1092
2024-11-21 00:15:13 6122 7246 1384 2266 1063 1663 835 -2 33 -1124
2024-11-21 00:14:07 6138 7244 1386 2253 1072 1663 835 -2 33 -1105
2024-11-21 00:12:28 6115 7279 1386 2267 1096 1661 835 -2 34 -1163
2024-11-21 00:11:23 6100 7295 1386 2263 1110 1664 835 -2 36 -1195
2024-11-21 00:10:17 6088 7288 1384 2262 1108 1659 838 -2 36 -1200
2024-11-21 00:09:11 6107 7309 1387 2272 1120 1656 838 -2 36 -1202
2024-11-21 00:08:05 6120 7309 1383 2271 1130 1654 834 -2 35 -1188
2024-11-21 00:07:32 6123 7291 1387 2261 1134 1655 834 -2 35 -1167
2024-11-21 00:06:27 6123 7291 1382 2260 1131 1652 829 -2 36 -1167
2024-11-21 00:05:21 6106 7272 1381 2248 1141 1645 821 -2 35 -1166
2024-11-21 00:04:15 6078 7205 1386 2243 1092 1637 810 -2 36 -1127
2024-11-21 00:03:09 6102 7154 1383 2234 1072 1628 802 -2 35 -1052
2024-11-21 00:02:04 6115 7135 1382 2242 1089 1589 797 -2 35 -1020
2024-11-21 00:01:31 6087 7141 1381 2235 1117 1572 800 -2 36 -1054
2024-11-21 00:00:25 6090 7139 1387 2229 1178 1517 795 -2 34 -1049

*Valorile negative pentru sold înseamnă export

Sistemul Energetic
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Sistemul Energetic is currently going through a structural reorganizing phase including a new design, additional functionalities and features.
The new features include
  • A social network for energy specialists
  • An SMS/Email alert system for value fluctuations
  • Complex graphs for data analyzing and market trends
  • Newsfeed (energy news, legislation)
  • Historical data reporting
  • Customizable and easy to use working space
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Sistemul Energetic, în prezent, trece printr-o fază de reorganizare structurală incluzând un design nou şi funcţionalităţi adiţionale.
Noile caracteristici includ
  • Reţea socială pentru specialişti din energetică
  • Un sistem de alertă SMS/email pentru fluctuaţii ale anumitor valori
  • Grafice complexe pentru analiză de date şi trend-uri de piaţă
  • Newsfeed (ştiri din domeniu, legislaţie)
  • Raportare date istorice
  • Spaţiu de lucru uşor customizabil
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